Want to boost long-term happiness and well-being?
Every day, we all
face setbacks, distractions, frustrations, uncertainties that can make it
difficult to enjoy and maintain genuine happiness and contentment. And even in
good times, we know that happiness can be fleeting. Then there are also times when life throws us
a real curve ball- an illness, a loss of a job, or a breakup in a relationship.
Here for you an
easy-to-apply tools to help you enjoy enduring happiness, not just fleeting
emotional highs, but a deeper long-term satisfaction in your life!
into the happiness “flow” – that happy zone where you’re
super engaged and absorbed both at work and in your leisure time… where time
flies happily by… and where toxic thoughts are banished from your mind. Happiness
is found within. You’ll discover effective ways to cultivates that happy flow
and transform “have to” tasks into “want to” pleasures.
and build on your personal happiness-boosting inner strengths and make them
even stronger. These eye-opening strategies can help you feel more energetic
and perform better. Identifying your strengths and then using them regularly
can increase wellbeing, to help others, or contribute to community, creates a
sense of meaning and purpose. Pleasant events lead to positive emotions that
broaden and build our coping in other areas. In fact, a recent study showed
that people who identified their key strength and used it in a new way each
week significantly increased happiness and reduced depression.
the happiness impact of gratitude- Discover the
powerful gratitude secrets to help you better deal with adversity and build
strong relationships with friends and family. You’ll see how to develop an
attitude of gratitude of your past and present plus a spirit of unbridled
optimism for your future. A regular practice of counting blessing or noticing
the positive things, however small, can enhance wellbeing.
your ability to recognize and celebrate the simple pleasures in your day
as they occur. Sometimes, you have to stop, empty your mind, sit for a moment
and just be. Savor more pleasure in your life with specific “enjoy the moment”
activities, really take in and observe the little things. It’s time to shape
abundant pleasures in your future!
the brain’s way it deal with stress with “mindfulness”, a
powerful, easy-to-learn technique to help relieve anxiety or depression. Find
out how focusing your attention on the present moment has been found to be the
key element to happiness and a healthier mind and body.
Everyone has the
power to enact real change in the way you think, behave, and cope on a daily
basis. Say a defiant “ NO” to circumstances that may drag you down!
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