
Showing posts from July, 2020

Want to boost long-term happiness and well-being?

Boost your happiness and inner strength @Beme Every day, we all face setbacks, distractions, frustrations, uncertainties that can make it difficult to enjoy and maintain genuine happiness and contentment. And even in good times, we know that happiness can be fleeting.  Then there are also times when life throws us a real curve ball- an illness, a loss of a job, or a breakup in a relationship. Here for you an easy-to-apply tools to help you enjoy enduring happiness, not just fleeting emotional highs, but a deeper long-term satisfaction in your life! ·          Get into the happiness “flow” – that happy zone where you’re super engaged and absorbed both at work and in your leisure time… where time flies happily by… and where toxic thoughts are banished from your mind. Happiness is found within. You’ll discover effective ways to cultivates that happy flow and transform “have to” tasks into “want to” pleasures. ·  ...